Back-to-school door decorations that we love

Ruler door decoration featured in the Democrat & Chronicle MyFixitUpLife

Shopping for the annual school supplies? Maybe pick up a few extra crayons or pencils to make back-to-school door decorations.

Currently, I’m obsessed with back-to-school door decorations that use school supplies. It’s a smart way to make a statement on the door, and then when it’s time for Halloween decorations, you can take the wreath apart and donate the supplies to a local Boys & Girls club or school.

It’s a smart way to celebrate the start of school with a fun craft, too. Here are a few that we’ve been pinning on Pinterest.

Ruler door decoration featured in the Democrat & Chronicle MyFixitUpLife back-to-school door decorations
Ruler door decoration featured in the Democrat Chronicle
September 2014 Lushome Crayon wreath MyFixitUpLife
Lushomes crayon wreath is super sweet


September 2014 SassyStyleRedesign Tausha MyFixitUpLife
Pencil and crayon back to school door decor by SassyStyleRedesigns Tausha


Note: Whenever making new art for an entry door, make sure you have a hanger or something else that doesn’t puncture the door. You could void the warranty. (Check out this interview with ideas on how to hang door decorations with a Therma-Tru Doors expert.)

Do you have favorite ideas for door decorations? I’d love to hear from you. Send us a note at

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A handy designer and writer, she shares DIY projects, tool how-to, and home makeovers as a book author, home show speaker, DIY workshop coach, and radio host. Plus, she has a degree in journalism with a minor in architecture, and is a Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPs) and certified color consultant. She's created fast-paced makeovers for TV shows, and shares home trends and DIY tips as a freelance writer and guest on news shows and satellite media tours for TV and radio.

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