The best snow shovel ever isn’t made for snow.

Wait, the best snow shovel isn’t made for snow?

Well, we’ve all done it. Forecast calls for big time snow and we race out to grab a “snow shovel.”

Every shovel designed for snow removal that I have ever owned has been terrible at…well…shoveling snow.

Well I’ve found the best snow shovel ever—a “grain scoop.” Several companies make them including Craftsman, Ames True Temper and Vigoro; they’re available in most stores like Lowe’s and The Home Depot.

You can get an aluminum scoop, though I’ve had excellent luck with the plastic. You can use the tool like a plow and shove snow out of the way. Or you can use it like a dirt shovel to scoop-and-throw the snow, say off stairs or a sidewalk.

2012_Episode 03_Mark_Jack_snow - MyFixitUpLife Talk show snow shovel

What are other uses for the grain scoop shovel?

I also use the shovel in my home improvement projects, too. It’s ideal for scooping big messes into the trash can. You can see the kinds of messes I use it for in the photo below—not exactly dust bunnies! It’s a lot of old plaster and lath from the kitchen renovation in our old American Foursquare.

This snow king doubles as the best dustpan ever. No kidding. It’s easy to scoop up the dust and debris in a renovation project and the snow the falls on the driveway and sidewalk around the house. This is no snow job.

Why aren’t the tool makers marketing them as snow shovels?

I’m surprised that the makers and sellers of grain scoops haven’t cashed-in on how handy their shovels are, and started putting them out in front when white wintry weather is in the forecast.

What’s the best shovel you’ve used for snow?

We’d love to know. If you have something better, we’d like to try it out. Share in the comments below or send us a note.

The best shovel for snow is a grain scoop that we also use for demo projects. This is photo of our kitchen renovation in mid-demo. 

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A licensed contractor, tool expert, wood and outdoor enthusiast, and elite Spartan Race competitor, he writes about home improvement and tools for national magazines and websites, and teaches hands-on clinics for other remodeling professionals. Check out his book, The Carpenter's Notebook.

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Comments (3)

What is considered the best snow shovel is well explained here. What features or innovations do you believe make a snow shovel stand out as the best for winter maintenance?

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