Easy-to-make fun bubbles

‣ MyFixitUpLife
Ingredients to make bubbles

‣ MyFixitUpLife Something about bubbles that captivates most of us.

Bubbles are fun to play with in the bath, and even more fun to run around and create in the backyard with friends.

We like to make it easy. Buy the bubbles from the store, so we have the bubble wand and container. (You also can buy super-fun wands and bubble accessories to make ‘bubbling’ even more fun.)

Then, when we run out, we can quickly refill with our homemade recipe. Perfect way to keep kids at a birthday party happy, and keep little toddlers from those ‘all-done’ tears.

And homemade bubbles are super easy to make, and less expensive than store-bought bubbles.

‣ MyFixitUpLife
Bubble wands from Melissa Doug

Here’s a recipe for making your own bubbles at home:

1/2 cup of liquid dish soap

2 cups of water

2 teaspoons of sugar

  • Mix together.
  • Store in old jelly jar or other fun container.


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Mark & Theresa created this honest and personal guide about home improvement to share the tips, techniques, and trends that help you make smart decisions about updating and personalizing your home.
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