Healthy home: Save money and make Captain Cheapskate proud

Make a healthy home and save money.

A healthy home that helps me save money is something I want to deliver for my family. And for me. We can be at our best when we’re healthy and when we know we’re getting what we pay for.

Make a healthy home and save money.
Make a healthy home AND save money Captain Cheapskate would be proud

But I am also Captain Cheapskate so I extra want to know I’m getting what I pay for.

When it comes to something that can make a healthy home more efficient, like replacing an HVAC system, you’re talking major overhaul and serious investment. But for drying out the basement or crawlspace, how big a deal can it be? Just dash to the store and haul something off the shelf, right?


Not exactly.

Reason is, the big problem is the one that’s hard to see. OK, pretty much impossible.

The store-bought box is most likely a megawatt magnet. It’s built for price-point and for looks as much as it’s built to dry out your basement. Oh, and you may need two of them to truly mitigate the moisture.

That’s burning money before driving off the lot. Captain Cheapskate is not happy.

The way to save money—get ahead of the moisture problem early with a purpose-built dehumidifier like Santa-Fe‘s. No-frills, all science, built like a bulldozer Santa-Fe units cost more up front. But unlike the anything at the store, they’ll move more moisture out of your home, filter the air better, give you options for tucking it in a crawl space or hanging it from a ceiling and—Captain Cheapskate that I am—ultimately recoup their purchase price. It won’t even take that long.

And they’ll far outlast a store bought unit. Healthy home. Healthy savings.

Captain Cheapskate is happy.

About the Author

Mark Clement, MyFixitUpLife


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A licensed contractor, tool expert, wood and outdoor enthusiast, and elite Spartan Race competitor, he writes about home improvement and tools for national magazines and websites, and teaches hands-on clinics for other remodeling professionals. Check out his book, The Carpenter's Notebook.

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