I think there should be a national chair day. Here’s why.

Theresa MyFixitUpLife National Chair Day

Why should there be a national chair day? I’ve got several reasons, and some of them make sense.

Theresa MyFixitUpLife National Chair Day
Im dreaming about National Chair Day I hope youll join me

National days of celebration fascinate me.

There are days to celebrate cereal (March 7), tossing fruitcake (first Saturday in January), step in a puddle and splash your friends day (January 7), blame someone else day (first Friday the 13th of the year), worship of tools day (March 11), weed appreciation day (March 28), national tape measure day (July 14), and my favorite National Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19).

I’ve looked and looked through the lists, and I have yet to find a day to celebrate the chair. I see two options: someone shares the unofficial-official National Chair Day with me, or we create one.

My reasons for a National Chair Day:

1) Chairs help me from having to sit on the ground, allowing me the possibility to eek out a second wear of my pants.

2) Chairs can be stunning pieces of art. I can stare at an amazing chair — let’s talk nailhead trim, tufting, colors — for hours.

3) Chairs are used for almost everything: eating, sleeping, reading, and dancing (chair dancing, really).

4) Chairs might be the most versatile member of the furniture family: collapsible, inflatable, and sometimes weather-resistant.

I love chairs.

So I’m thinking the National Chair Day should be the day after Labor Day, the day we sit down after our kids are safely off to school. I think many of us spend a lot of time that day being grateful that we only have to go to work.

I haven’t forgotten about your passions. If you want to discover a favorite ‘national day,’ check out a National Day Calendar. Even though there are days that are recognized by many of us on Twitter and Facebook, the majority of these days on the list are ‘unofficial’ national days. Still, ‘days’ like the pie day (January 23) and apple pie day (May 13) have been celebrated for years.

Any why not? It’s just fun to celebrate Ice Cream Day on July 20th or Bathtub Party Day on December 5.

Thoughts? Share them below or send me a note: info @ myfixituplife.com


Theresa NestRest National Chair Day MyFixitUpLife
So I think National Chair Day would be inclusive of all types of seating like this amazing NestRest
Mark & Theresa interviewing Amy Devers on Fix This Yard project
I think swings are like chairs maybe distant cousins They could still be part of National Chair Day We used swings to interview carpenter and furniture designer Amy Devers from Fix This Yard
Theresa working on the floor at Save My Bakery, Holmesburg Bakery MyFixitUpLife
I could have used a chair when I was working all night sitting on a garage floor for a Food Network Save My Bakery episode filmed in Philadelphia





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A handy designer and writer, she shares DIY projects, tool how-to, and home makeovers as a book author, home show speaker, DIY workshop coach, and radio host. Plus, she has a degree in journalism with a minor in architecture, and is a Certified Aging-in-Place Specialist (CAPs) and certified color consultant. She's created fast-paced makeovers for TV shows, and shares home trends and DIY tips as a freelance writer and guest on news shows and satellite media tours for TV and radio.

Comments (4)

[…] options in any space, and backyard parties are included here, is like not having a few different chairs or shoe […]

[…] I’m as happy as kid presented with a pile of birthday cake when I can squeeze time to shop fashion, furnishings, or anything […]

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