Cupcakes & cocktails is how we celebrate National Vanilla Cupcake Day

For a sophisticated cupcake treat, the candy cane cupcakes are perfection from Liz.

What better way to celebrate National Vanilla Cupcake Day than with cupcake expert Liz, the Beeroness Jackie, and our favorite sneeky cocktail designer Lulu?

Yes, November 10th is National Vanilla Cupcake Day, and we are celebrating with cupcakes and cocktails ideas from the experts.

For a sophisticated cupcake treat, the candy cane cupcakes are perfection from Liz.
For a sophisticated cupcake treat the candy cane cupcakes are perfection from Liz
Says Lulu on her blog: "It's all about "the punch the punch the punch" thank you Meghan Trainor and The Salonniere for bringing it to my attention. Hee hee. Making a punch is easy. You can make it in a big quantity and is a great easy sneeky for people to help themselves."
Says entertainologist Lulu on her blog Its all about the punch the punch the punch
Making a punch is easy You can make it in a big quantity and is a great easy sneeky for people to help themselves

Let’s start with cupcakes. We knew the perfect cupcake genius to join us on MyFixitUpLife, Liz Latham.

As part of her baking and lifestyle brand, Hoosier Homemade, Liz provides easy to understand recipes and step-by-step DIY craft and party-planning ideas, to help the everyday mom become heroes at home. And the signature collection of recipes are Liz’s cupcakes.

So Theresa dared Liz to make a cupcake that she hasn’t yet made, which was a challenge in itself to think of one. And of course, Liz dared Theresa right back. Check out their cupcake DIY dare video.

Of course, it wouldn’t be a grown-up cupcake party without cocktails, so during the second hour of MyFixitUpLife LIVE! on blab, the Beeroness Jackie Dodd and Entertainologist Lulu Powers will be sharing how to pair the perfect beer or sneeky cocktail with our cupcakes.

Beeroness Jackie Dodd is the author of  The Craft Beer Cookbook and the newly released Craft Beer Bites Cookbook, and she’s shared her expertise on The Today Show, Lifetime Network, CBS News, as well as in Imbibe, Bite and The San Francisco Chronicle, Parade Magazine, Draft Magazine and Whisk Magazine.

Entertainologist Lulu Powers is a best-selling author and entertaining designer, celebrated for her accessible culinary creations, and impeccable styling. Lulu’s fresh approach to hassle-free entertaining – from food to flowers – has made her a sought-after talent, inspiring mentor, and credible entertaining lifestyle expert. A celebrity chef noted for her flawless taste and chic, artful design, Lulu’s client list boasts a staggering collection of talent including Will & Jada Smith, Madonna, Bill Clinton, Arianna Huffington, among others.

Subscribe to this MyFixitUpLife broadcast on blab, so you won’t miss any of the Live! fun. Oh, and bring your cupcakes and cocktails to the party.

We want to know your favorite drink with a vanilla cupcake, so share in the comments below, send us a Tweet, or email is perfect, too.

Lizs pumpkin pie spice cupcakes might be perfect as a centerpiece at Thanksgiving
Whats better than a 5 minute dessert
The reindeer cupcakes by Liz at Hoosier Homemade are adorable.
The reindeer cupcakes by Liz at Hoosier Homemade are adorable
It's a beer velvet cake by the Beeroness Jackie. Definitely can be altered for cupcake day.
Its a beer velvet cake by the Beeroness Jackie Recipe can definitely be altered for cupcake day
Entertainologist Lulu Powers has a solution for every party and for everyday. The candlesticks and copper pitchers filled with tulips are a quick way to upgrade any table.
Entertainologist Lulu Powers has a solution for every party and for everyday The candlesticks and copper pitchers filled with tulips are a quick way to upgrade any table
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Mark & Theresa created this honest and personal guide about home improvement to share the tips, techniques, and trends that help you make smart decisions about updating and personalizing your home.

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