Tile Style: Leather, Linen, Wood, and more

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Daltiles Fabrique

Ever since the ancient Egyptians started putting decorative tile in their homes, tile has been showing up in houses throughout the world.

Tile actually accounts for 24 percent of installed flooring. When you think about how ceramic tile can last 50 years, and carpet can maybe muscle out about 10 good years of family wear-and-tear, it makes sense that 1-out-of-every-4 square foot of floors is tile.

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Daltiles Timber Glen in Cherry

But if you are a tile aficionado, you know that in recent years, the possibilities have become endless for tile. These days you can find gorgeous tile in metal, faux leather, faux wood planks, linen, glass, and more. And Daltile offers tile in from tiny mosaics to plywood-sized options.The larger format tiles blow my mind, and really do help if you are doing a tile counter or wall and want minimal grout lines.

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Daltiles Couture d Leather

And for those of us who are price-conscious, and fantasize about gorgeous glass mosaics, here’s an option that fits inside our bank accounts. Mixing and matching eye-popping stylish tile with inexpensive ceramic tile really can make a room special and show off your personal style without sacrificing beauty or budget.

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Daltiles Eqyptian Glass in Nile

Believe me, I never want to sacrifice either when we’re working on our home, and I tend to always love the most expensive things, too. When I was shopping for tile recently, I fell in love with a particular glass tile from Daltile. But, when I asked for the price, I had a ‘Julia Roberts’ moment.

The answer given to me: “It’s very expensive.” And, unlike Julia, I didn’t have the wad of cash spilling out my bag to pay for it. The tile was handmade Eqyptian glass tile that is made-to-order. I was lucky enough to get a sample of it that I’m keeping on hand to mix in with un-Julia tile for a very special craft project.

Watch Mark & Theresa share tiling tips on the NBC 10! Show.

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Mark & Theresa created this honest and personal guide about home improvement to share the tips, techniques, and trends that help you make smart decisions about updating and personalizing your home.

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