Extreme Makeover Home Edition

Interview: Ty Pennington talks Make a Difference, Sandy and American Journey

Ty talks with Mark and Theresa about Craftsman “Make a Difference” Tour, rebuilding after Hurricane Sandy and American Journey. Ty:                   I feel like we’re like…

Check out Extreme Makeover:Home Edition’s Wood Playground Project in Joplin, MO featured in Extreme How-to

Mark and Theresa write about the Real Wood Playground they built for the 200th episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition in Joplin, MO.

Tracy Hutson and Paul DiMeo from Extreme Makeover: Home Edition talk with Mark and Theresa

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition’s designers Tracy Hutson and Paul DiMeotalk w/ Mark and Theresa about the show’s final episodes, their music, and the families they’ve…

Wood Takes the National Stage with ‘Extreme Makeover: Home Edition’ in Georgia Forestry Today

The real Outdoor living team pitched for the use of outdoor wood on the Joplin build, both to further aid Joplin residents and to complement…