There are flashlights and then there is LiteBand.

On the 6th day of our 12 Tools of Christmas

Mark MyFixitUpLife Liteband

The versatile and easy-to-use LiteBand headband.

Flashlights have their place—see below—but LiteBand belongs in all of the places, near as I can tell. A headlamp has been reimagined with LEDs that wrap one’s noggin like a bandana from a 70s movie. LiteBand is about the most versatile and easy-to-use light source that I have ever encountered. 

It casts an orb-shape of light. Think T2 coming through time only with less Arnold, lightning, and naked killing machine. Although the orb is directional and always in front of you, it lights the area around you in a sphere rather than a beam of light. I’ve used it for everything from pulling up deck boards as winter light shortened my day to looking for stuff in the truck at night to griddling my dinner. 

On an elastic strap, I opened it up to max. I stepped through it and wore it around my waist. I could then see and be seen while running off the dumpster fire that is my health.

And if you have kids who like to go play in the backyard at night, wrap one around each shoulder and make them LiteBand-oliers. Get it? Bandoliers…I’ll show myself out.

Basically, if you need to see in the dark, LiteBand does the trick. The soft, white, easy-to-see light gets the job done from campsite to jobsite to griddle-topia.

Is there a headlamp or flashlight that you’d recommend? We’d love to know about it. Share in the comments or send us a note.

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A licensed contractor, tool expert, wood and outdoor enthusiast, and elite Spartan Race competitor, he writes about home improvement and tools for national magazines and websites, and teaches hands-on clinics for other remodeling professionals. Check out his book, The Carpenter's Notebook.

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