Make sure your portable generator works before you need it.

We regularly make sure our portable generator is ready for the next storm.

MyFixitUpLife_Briggs-Stratton_Portable_Generator_7047-768x576 (1)

A portable generator keeps my anxiety lower because I know that I’m doing everything I can do to keep my family safe and comfortable, no matter the weather.

When is the best time to check a generator?

Jack and I know there’s always potential weather brewing. So, we realize the best time to make sure the generator works (ours is a Briggs and Stratton inverter generator) is way BEFORE we need it.

The best time to make sure it starts and you have clean fuel is BEFORE the storm hits and the power shuts off. You know what I mean. It’s important to me that my family is safe and that I know I’ve done everything I can to keep them as safe and comfortable as possible, in any weather.

It’s also important to review the safety precautions in using the portable generator. For example, place exhaust downwind and away from the house, and never in a garage.

What do you need to know about buying a back-up generator?

Buying a portable back-up generator is a big decision, so I’m sharing a few important things to consider in the video below.

Why check the generator with my son?

While I’m doing the work of setting it up, since it’s heavy and Jack is 11, it’s important to me that he sees and understands that there is a sequence of set-up steps that exist. Showing him these steps of home projects has became part of our father-son DIY time.

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While it’s pretty balmy here by January standards Jack and I know there’s weather brewing. •• So, we realize the best time to make sure the generator works (ours is a @briggsandstratton inverter generator) is way BEFORE we need it. The best time to make sure it starts and you clean fuel is BEFORE the storm of the eon. You know what I mean. •• And because we have a transfer switch for our unit (that’s so the current goes directly into our breaker panel via hardwire rather than extension cords) there’s a sequence to getting in turned on and off correctly. •• And while Jack is 11 and the generator heavy—always place exhaust downwind and away from the house; never in a garage—that he sees and understands that the sequence exists became part of our father – son DIY. •• More detail in the video, linked in profile. • • • • #powertools #fatherson #cordlesstools #generator #remodeling #construction #buildersofig #buildersofinsta #howto #diy #prouddad #craft #craftsmanship #woodworking #wood #carpentry #contractorsofinsta #toolreview #video #homeimprovement #handyman #doitright #toolsofthetrade #work #love #contractor #craftsmanship #19002

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What do you think?

What do you think about portable back-up generators? Do you have a portable generator at your home?

About the Author

Mark Clement, MyFixitUpLife
Mark Clement MyFixitUpLife Carpenter
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A licensed contractor, tool expert, wood and outdoor enthusiast, and elite Spartan Race competitor, he writes about home improvement and tools for national magazines and websites, and teaches hands-on clinics for other remodeling professionals. Check out his book, The Carpenter's Notebook.

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