Air King: A Rising Energy Star

Air King: Energy Star Partner of the Year
Air King: Energy Star Partner of the Year
Air King Energy Star Partner of the Year

I am NOT the only person the following has happened to:

You’re at the store choosing an exhaust fan or range hood for the current bathroom or kitchen project. You’re face-to-mountain with a bajillion boxes and brands that correspond—somehow—to displays 8-feet overhead. Blood pressure rising.

Then the real questions kick in. “Is this the right bathroom fan?” “What’s the difference between this range hood and that one?” Grrrrrr….

While there are important questions to answer for getting the right exhaust fan for my kitchen or bath, there’s one that’s a huge decision-maker for me: Energy Star.

I want a product that saves money and energy. And I like supporting companies that support Energy Star—and the world we all inhabit—by delivering smart, sensible design.

So when it comes to the Matterhorn of boxes I take the high road with Air King. I can easily get the information I need to choose the right product, and I’m working with a company that’s a 2013 Energy Star Partner of the Year. That’s all-in and I like it.

I also dig that Air King has, with products like the Essence Range Hood, saved 20.7 million (yes, million) pounds of greenhouse gases. Cutting edge—and U.S.-based—product design and manufacturing are the drivers behind air-moving devices that make sense and get the job done while looking at home in my home.

Yup, I’m moved.

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A licensed contractor, tool expert, wood and outdoor enthusiast, and elite Spartan Race competitor, he writes about home improvement and tools for national magazines and websites, and teaches hands-on clinics for other remodeling professionals. Check out his book, The Carpenter's Notebook.

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