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Bellaforte Roofing Tiles From DaVinci Roofscapes

We received a call from a homeowner near Philadelphia asking us about a new roof for his old home and he had both specific, and what we think are pretty smart, requests.

 Bellaforte polymer slate roofing tiles

First, the home is 150 years old. It has gracious eaves and cross-gable framing that is both visible from the street and from the back yard where the homeowner intends to entertain so he wants a roof system he’ll be happy looking at (1) and (2) one that matches the period and materials the home was built.

Second, he is renovating the entire home, doing most of the work himself (both because he likes it, but to save money as well). Third (maybe this should be 2A) while he wants to maximize the roof system he can get for the dollars he has.

 Click below to read more on HGTVPro.

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