our blogs
If you have an beloved old chair that needs a makeover, here is how to refresh old chairs in three different ways.
I want a space that’s quiet, clean, and relaxing. A place where I can sit with a few friends and chat. We drink coffee or wine, depending on the time of day, and we don’t spend any time doing anything for anyone.
Step up or display your little favorites on this four piece bench! This Step-Up Stool is designed for every kid carpenter to have a job-from…
I dared myself to a June shoe challenge, and I think it’s a way for us to make difference beyond my closet.
Snapchat isn’t just for millennials. Here’s why.
Most of the time we mow them down and we don’t even know it. Because Littlest Trees often get their start growing in the lawn,…
Who doesn’t love a lemonade stand on a hot summer day? Lemonade stands are more than just a way to teach your kids about money….
Joybird offers a different kind of shopping experience. And while shopping, the design and layout are easy to use, but the special part is what happens after the order is placed. I received a note saying they received my order, which is a typical note. But then they sent updates on the sofa as it was being constructed. They sent a swatch so I could see and touch the fabric. And they sent a handwritten note, signed by some of the Joybird family, welcoming my family to their family.
Taking on the frequently used key phrases and themes of a lot of the HGTV shows, the writers and actors in these paradies are spot-on fun.
The perfect way to top off your ‘bar’ look might be with a hatchel, a hat with a secret compartment. Whether it’s St. Patrick’s Day…
I’m waiting for my little seed paper garden to grow.
Here’s what we’ve learned about the perfect beer to pair with a full moon.
There are at least two approaches to solving this problem.