She died. Oh, yes, she did. Between our offer on the house and closing, the previous owner–an Italian woman just a decade younger than the…
Today we’re designed to PARTY with Grace Bonney from the oh-so-popular home and product design website Design Sponge. We’ll be talking design trends and party…
So I used to love Restoration Hardware. When I lived in Arlington, VA, I’d walk across the Key bridge into Georgetown, and browse at the…
September 11. From decorating and design to demo and decks, Mark and Theresa invite fans to test their how-to know-how. They share their FixitUpFinds…
August 21: Design tips to help sell your home, plus home improvement insider news and ideas MyFixitUpLife is giving it the old Midas Touch…
One of the things about being a FixitUp Family is that everybody is involved in everything at some level or another. And there’s always something…
When we were in the middle of renovating our kitchen, I announced to Mark that I wanted a tile backsplash. His reply: “Are we EVER…
Read the painting tips from the segment here.
July 1: If you’ve ever wanted (or been begged by a loved one) to inject a little more style into your regular routine, this show…
Looking to add a splash of color to the outside of your home? Color comes from more than just for siding. When we selected new…
When we bought our 100-year-old FixitUp American Foursquare home just outside of Philadelphia, we knew it needed a lot of work, but we’ve had tons…
February 13, 2010: Mark & Theresa are talking ‘Light up my life!’ with lighting designer Randall Whitehead. Randall’s passion right now is sexing up energy…