
Our Home: Mangled Manor to Clement Castle

She died. Oh, yes, she did. Between our offer on the house and closing, the previous owner–an Italian woman just a decade younger than the…

MyFixitUpLife talk show: Designed to Party!

Today we’re designed to PARTY with Grace Bonney from the oh-so-popular home and product design website Design Sponge. We’ll be talking design trends and party…

Who buys this stuff?

So I used to love Restoration Hardware. When I lived in Arlington, VA, I’d walk across the Key bridge into Georgetown, and browse at the…

Shopping For Tile w/ Lexi (+ Theresa)

One of the things about being a FixitUp Family is that everybody is involved in everything at some level or another. And there’s always something…

MyFixitUpLife talk show: Design ideas w/Kelley Moore

July 1: If you’ve ever wanted (or been begged by a loved one) to inject a little more style into your regular routine, this show…

Exterior Colors Added to Decorum™ by Simonton Window Styling Solutions

Looking to add a splash of color to the outside of your home? Color comes from more than just for siding. When we selected new…

The MyFixitUpLife home

When we bought our 100-year-old FixitUp American Foursquare home just outside of Philadelphia, we knew it needed a lot of work, but we’ve had tons…

MyFixitUpLife talk show: Lighting & Wiring

February 13, 2010: Mark & Theresa are talking ‘Light up my life!’ with lighting designer Randall Whitehead. Randall’s passion right now is sexing up energy…