DIY Questions

Got DIY questions? Ask Mark and Theresa from MyFixitUpLife. If you have a question about your home or questions for Mark & Theresa about DIY projects, products, or how-to, we'd love to try to help. Are you working on a project or did you get a surprise? It can be frustrating when you encounter a little hiccup or uncertainty in the middle of a project. If you could just figure this one thing out, then you can finish the project. Do you have a project you'd love to share? Ask your question or share your project with us! Just send a note to:

Mark & Theresa learn about The Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation, and why Jon is combating issues that force families and individuals into economic despair…

Carter Oosterhouse and Amy Smart talk Carter’s Kids playgrounds w/ Mark & Theresa Theresa: And you are inside MyFixitUpLife with my husband Mark. Mark: And…

Interview with Joplin City Parks Director Chris Cotten Theresa: And you are back inside MyFixitUpLife with my husband Mark. Mark: And my wife Theresa, here…