Friends with Benefits
A classic color of wealth and health, green has only turned my head recently. It might be the modern pairing with so many luxurious finishes and a saturation in interior spaces I’ve discovered on Pinterest. I’m inspired to create my own green room at my house.
If you want to know what’s happening in home design, why not ask the celebrity designers and carpenters. So, we did. Tune in. Check out…
If you want to know what’s trending in lighting technology, and why you should ask Anthony Carrino about the food court, you’ll want to tune into this show.
But, there are a few things to think about before deciding on the design of a kitchen island.
Talk show: The bathroom trends from universal design to 3D printing
Talk show: The magic of a perfect kitchen, design trendsetters, & more
Mother Nature knows the most popular design trends for home this year.
Talk show: Kitchen design trends from the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show
It looks like metal lace, and it was printed by a 3D printer. Hello DXV.
I need an electronics organizer. I do not, however, need something lame or complicated or large. So, I made one myself. With this device…
So it might not be everyone’s reaction to seeing a birdcage, but as a cat mom, a DIY cat bed seemed perfect. Both of my cats are on the petite side of the feline community, and I’m familiar with their obsession with snuggling in tight spaces.
And it used to live in the workhorse category of lighting, alongside track lighting and recessed lighting. But, no more. Even those workhorse lighting fixtures have blossomed into wide-eyed stunners, thanks to the creativity of lighting designers.