
Fun Fix: Water Leak in Basement

Beth Anne asks: Hey guys, I have a question for you for when you’re on NBC 10.How do we fix a small hole in our…

Mark & Theresa share fixes for repairing basement cracks + staining wood on NBC’s The 10! Show

Mark and Theresa shared a quick fix for repairing basement cracks and how to get started staining wood on NBC’s The 10! Show. View more…

Video: The right roof for a 120-year-old Georgian home

Mark and Theresa make a roof replacement happen on a 120-year-old Georgian-style home, with smart historic charm and on-budget peace of mind for young homeowners…

Remove Baseboard and Shoe Molding

This is me jumping up on my soapbox again: Here it comes—my fury (fury is probably a strong word) at demolition done wrong. Whether it’s…

Quick Tip! Mark says: “Carry an Eraser”

Every now and again (or more often than that depending on the kinds of day you’re having) a mistake gets made. You put the X…