
Why does one tile make a funny noise?

Question: I just installed new tile in my front entry way. Seems like it came out just fine but there is one tile that makes…

Select Your Perfect Wood Stove

Ever since I was a little kid, there was something pleasantly hypnotic about a home heated with a freestanding wood-burning stove, something that spoke to…

Caulk Gun: Getting a smooth bead

For something that looks like it should be so easy, running a good clean caulk bead can be a real challenge–and get get you into…

OUCH! Moving an old exterior door… to the interior

Remodeling a 100+-year-old home presents many challenges and opportunities that can be quite satisfying, if you are willing to take the time and exert the…

Fall lawn repair from Mark on AOL’s DIYLIfe

Summer does a number on your lawn. Anything from removing a shrub to parking a car to letting Sparky go for a run to leaving…

Carpenter’s trick for extension cords

I use a trick for my extension cords to make sure my tools stay powered through a cut. Check it out on DIY Network.

Installing Crown Molding: Tool Set-up

Find out how to set up your tools to get the perfect crown molding project done right, without frustration. Click below to read the entire…

Blending Various Molding Trim Styles in Extreme How-to

“To say there’s a bewildering assortment of crown moldings to choose from is an accurate statement. To narrow the field I walk the aisles of…

What kinds of countertop can I install myself?

I’m a teacher and I get out for the summer in a couple of weeks. I’m hoping to do a remodel of my kitchen on…

Question My shower is freezing cold. The sinks get some good, high temps, but I can’t figure out how to get warm water in the shower….