
In OurFixitUpLife, Mark and Theresa are sharing the DIY projects they are working on at home, for clients, and for TV shows and magazines.
Bathroom Remodeling

Here’s an elemental truth about bathroom remodeling: Pound for pound, ounce for ounce, and brick for figurative brick bathrooms rank at the top of the…

Look Out Below

So here’s one from the “While-You’re-Here-Could-You-Just…” Department. I get hired to build things, but I’m often asked to do other stuff. In this case, it…

Lexi’s Blog: Barbie Vacation House of Style

Hi– I’m Lexi and today I will be talking about this awesome Barbie Vacation House. It has two floors. Awesome, right? So, on the first…

How to Keep Your Workers Safe

Moving dirt seems like a simple task. Grab a shovel, rent an auger or backhoe, and lift that dirt out of your way. As a…

How to Avoid a Great Fall

Have you run so many trusses, sheathing and shingles that you think you could swagger across a tightrope strung above Niagara Falls—with your eyes clothes…

Bathroom Demolition

We begin our bathroom’s anti-transmogrification by gutting it. The birch paneling (ack!), plaster, lath, strapping–all of it has to go leaving us with the tabula…

Construction Doomsday

So I’m watching This Old House. It looked pretty new but I apologize for not knowing the exact episode. And I only caught it half-way…

Jack’s review: Werner Scaffold vs. Little Giant Ladder

So my dad spends A LOT of time with tools. You’d think they were Thomas the Tank Engine or Elmo the way he is. But…

Clement & Dad…at the diner

Sometimes my dad and I like to suit-up like we’re an all-pro kind of team, and enjoy a good breakfast at the diner. (I let…

Girls’ Rooms!

Things that parents should put in girls’ rooms Hi, I’m Lexi. This blog is about things that parents should put in girls’ rooms. 1. Superstar…