Hi, I’m Lexi and I love to paint. Here are some things that I’ve painted: benches scrap wood garden signs I made the garden sign…
Whenever I work with my Dad on the jobsite, which is pretty much all of the time that I’m not playing toys or eating, I…
Theresa and I used a deck-building trick installing our wide plank pine floor as part of our ongoing kitchen remodel.
Great tools and terrific products team up to help us warm up and green up our kitchen. Watch the video to learn about the project…
Hi. I’m Lexi and I am the daughter of Mark and Theresa. Daddy is a great builder and is a great dad, too. Theresa loves…
The Backyard Pergola: A quiet retreat tucked away from the street Our backyard hasn’t ever ranked as a favorite spot to entertain or relax. While…
Here’s a product for the homeowner who has it all — or for a homeowner constantly on the go: electronic programmable locks. Schalge’s new series…
Twisting wire, screwing on wire nuts and neatly folding wire into a junction box not only takes time, it gets old after a while. So…
May 20, 2006 — If you’re looking for a way to gamble with your own and your workers’ safety while risking a job shut-down and…
Smart Sense Here’s a tool whose time has come: Gardner Bender’s CircuitAlert. This series of tools, released a few years ago and recently upgraded, combines…
One of the most basic elements to safety is effective communication with all the workers and trades on site. That’s tough enough when everybody speaks…