Fix it

Understanding Mold

Question: I don’t get it. I’m from New England and we’re surrounded at every turn with old homes that have stood winter and summer for…

Easy Snow Removal

As the parents of two school-age kids, we watch winter weather forecasts with more interest than we did before kids were in the picture. Hot…

After the snowstorm: How-to

After being buried in the blizzard of 2010, residents of the Northeast are digging out of as much as two feet of snow. In the…

How to drive a screw like a pro

Ever wish you knew a carpenter’s secrets to driving screws perfectly every time? AOL’s DIYLife did too. Here’s what Mark revealed about this tricky technique.

Under deck drainage

Building a deck creates two distinct spaces. Topside, gleaming deck boards and guardrails invite customers to enjoy the outdoors. But if a deck is far…

Caulk Gun: Getting a smooth bead

For something that looks like it should be so easy, running a good clean caulk bead can be a real challenge–and get get you into…

Lawnmower Deck Quick Fix

…Then comes the sound of metal on metal. The problem is the mower deck is deformed and bent. The older and more mangled a mower…

Fall lawn repair from Mark on AOL’s DIYLIfe

Summer does a number on your lawn. Anything from removing a shrub to parking a car to letting Sparky go for a run to leaving…