Today’s Tip
Red rosin paper between the subfloor and new wood floor is a “bond break” used to prevent squeaks.
Driving a fastener in at an angle is called “toe nailing.”
Keep your tools in your tool pouch instead of putting them down, then wondering what you did with them.
Hammer drills are for drilling small holes in masonry and concrete. Rotary hammers are for drilling bigger–and more–holes in the same stuff.
Carpenter pencils are flat so they don’t roll off a pitched surface.
When possible, install solid hardwood flooring perpendicular to joist direction to help stiffen the floor.
Change your HVAC filter when you change your clocks.
When snow is in the forecast, fold your windshield wiper arms up so the wiper blades are not buried under the snow. This makes the…
Paint the cut-ends of pressure treated lumber with preservative to make them last longer.
The ladder is at the correct angle when you can stand with your toes touching the feet and reach out and touch the rails with…