Is workshop organization kind of a part time job for you? Seems like it is for me. The fewer places I have to store things,…
That’s why I love that it’s easy to try out LED backlighting. Using lamps that you already own, or battery-powered LED strip lighting, you can achieve the look without having to change what’s already in your home. And for the less-than-visual family members, testing out a look helps give them an opportunity to react to your ideas.
Reuse old doors instead of throwing them away! We have ways to upcycle and bring in some awesome new style to your home. Tips to…
While searching the internet, I came across shingle art. Now, the concept is pretty cool, except for the fact that it might not make a…
If you can patch drywall, you can patch textured drywall. Even if it’s a DIY First, our video shows you how…without boring you to sleep….
If you love a warm light, you can be happy with LED light bulbs. Having a savvy shopper attitude is an essential when shopping for…
We love paint, and we love it when it’s easy to touch up. Here’s a little tool that makes touch ups easier. Unless you live…
Do you want to know the top kitchen, bathroom, and lighting trends? Join us live from the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show You won’t want…
DIY HVAC maintenance is…yeah…NO. Look, we’re all about DIY and taking on a challenge. But, we’re also all for not screwing up expensive, complicated equipment….
Stair-age [Stair-age] – stairs that contain storage. We have found some amazing designs that will help save space in almost any home. Some stair-age is…
An ice dam is an open invitation for water to invade your house and cost lots of fear and money. An ice dam is also…
I like unclogging clogged gutters about as much as plunging a toilet. It’s dirty and messy, but just like a backed up john causes problems,…