Getting new windows for a window replacement project or even new construction doesn’t seem like it should be that hard. But sometimes getting windows is…
What’s better than spending a day working on a porch makeover with a talented friend? Seeing that you guys loved what we made.
Avoid the most common rookie DIY mistakes to save time and money. We’re sharing the worst mistakes to avoid with DIY Network’s Kayleen McCabe.
Now new light bulb technology has changed the way we shop for lighting. It takes fewer watts to achieve the same light output for an LED bulb than an incandescent, since most of the watts are released as heat for an incandescent.
This pergola is a one-of-a-kinder with a multi-use space for seating and serving. Here’s how to build a pergola with seating.
The best door decoration is sometimes the easiest to make. This one is perfect for the Fourth of July, Flag Day, Memorial Day, and any day you want to show off some patriotism.
Finding a contractors who is reliable is a must when starting a project. Mark is quoted talking about the importance of communication when searching and starting…
Plants can actually help clean the air in your home. And all you have to do is give them a little sun and water. Ideally…
Two trends in one look: Do Edison bulbs with subway tile work?
When school is out you need summer kid activities to keep the kids from morphing into their electronics. Plus you want to get outside and…
June offers so many reasons to add a little color and fun, so why not take a few hours this weekend and decorate your front…
Drywall repair is about turning the highly visible (a hole or crack) into the highly invisible—a wall or ceiling that looks like the rest of…