What is a fixed feature? When I refer to a fixed feature, I am talking about any element on the exterior of the home that…
I’ve found that windows are unlikely to come off the truck in the order you need them, so I make a roadmap of the house…
Round-topped openings—typically just called an “arch”—come in two main styles: a “segmented arch” and an ellipse. A segmented arch, like this one from the Washington,…
Want to add some emphatic color to a room but a strong color in the whole space is too much? Or, conversely, not enough? Paint…
Switch up how you mow your grass (north-south/east-west/diagonal.) If your mower stripes your grass, it gives a fresh look. And, if you’re (literally) mowing tracks…
A countersink with included drill bit is an essential tool accessory. Ideal for installing fasteners at the ends of boards or where they might split,…
There are just some parts of a lawn where it’s harder to get grass seeds started than others. I encounter this a lot with remodeling…
Mosquitoes have amped up their attack this summer. The best way to treat a mosquito itch that is distracting you to insanity is to cool…
Countersink, verb: to set the head of a screw or nail slightly below the surface of the piece being fastened.
The bottom row of hardboard sheathing along the cement of the driveway/sidewalk has some water damage. Behind the Masonite is Buffalo Board. It appears intact,…
Parents know that potty training is a hit-or-miss affair—literally and figuratively. Even if you do have the Kohler Transitions potty training seat (we do, awesome)…
Scratch. Scratch. Oh. Hi. I was just cleaning Sharpie off of a book cover. That reminds me…That’s the topic of this blog. I’m going to…