There are often three parts to a larger base molding assembly: shoe, baseboard, base cap.
Get the kids involved with age appropriate—safe—home improvement activity. Even if they don’t thank you now, they’ll thank you later.
When applying stain to a deck or fence’s vertical surfaces, start from the bottom and work up. This prevents runs and streaks. And, use a…
Plan(t) ahead. When designing your landscape and placing plants think about 5 years from now as the plants fill out. A landscape that looks perfect…
It might not look like it at first, but driver bits can wear out making them really hard to keep in contact with the screw….
Here’s a quick-fix for locks and knobs that are hard to turn. Give them a sip of Teflon spray. Turn the knob or throw the…
Red rosin paper between the subfloor and new wood floor is a “bond break” used to prevent squeaks.
In order to get to my point, I have to tell you one story, so I can tell you another. The punchline, however, is…
Driving a fastener in at an angle is called “toe nailing.”
Keep your tools in your tool pouch instead of putting them down, then wondering what you did with them.
Hammer drills are for drilling small holes in masonry and concrete. Rotary hammers are for drilling bigger–and more–holes in the same stuff.
Carpenter pencils are flat so they don’t roll off a pitched surface.