
Plan(t) ahead. When designing your landscape and placing plants think about 5 years from now as the plants fill out. A landscape that looks perfect…

Today’s Tip: Red Rosin Paper

Red rosin paper between the subfloor and new wood floor is a “bond break” used to prevent squeaks.

Today’s Tip: Toe Nailing

Driving a fastener in at an angle is called “toe nailing.”

Today’s Tip: Tool Organization

Keep your tools in your tool pouch instead of putting them down, then wondering what you did with them.

Today’s Tip: Drill Differences

Hammer drills are for drilling small holes in masonry and concrete. Rotary hammers are for drilling bigger–and more–holes in the same stuff.

Today’s Tip: Carpenter Pencils

Carpenter pencils are flat so they don’t roll off a pitched surface.