There’s more to the Before and After-Shock story—everything from customer service to insulation details, that I think are worth going into for old house…
When possible, install solid hardwood flooring perpendicular to joist direction to help stiffen the floor.
Erin asks: Hey! Can you share some tips about refinishing old furniture? Stains/paints? What is the best process? Thanks!! Answer: The antiqued/refinished furniture look is hot…
Change your HVAC filter when you change your clocks.
Request for Two Cents on Deck Building via FixitUp Facebook Friend: I’m building a deck soon. Give me your $.02 on materials for railings, decking,…
When snow is in the forecast, fold your windshield wiper arms up so the wiper blades are not buried under the snow. This makes the…
Paint the cut-ends of pressure treated lumber with preservative to make them last longer.
Mark and Theresa face-off in a drywall duel to patch two holes in their entryway. Confident Mark uses his go-to contractor ‘bullet patch’ technique and…
The ladder is at the correct angle when you can stand with your toes touching the feet and reach out and touch the rails with…
Beth Anne asks: Hey guys, I have a question for you for when you’re on NBC 10.How do we fix a small hole in our…