
Today’s Tip: Drip Loop

When using a tile saw, let the cord sag—this is called a drip-loop—so water running down the cord can fall off. This is the same…

Today’s Tip: Painting Fact

When a painter brushes the wall color on right next to the trim, this is called “cutting in.”

Today’s Tip: Deck Safety

All decks greater than 30 inches above grade are required to have a guard rail.

Today’s Tip: Carpenter Pencils

Use a school boy pencil for trim. It is easier to sharpen and more accurate.

Today’s Tip: Stacking Lumber

Always stack lumber straight and neatly.

Today’s Tip: Car Seats & Ladders

Car seats and ladders have something in common: Most of what you need to know about them is written on them.

Today’s Tip: Ladder Safety

Ladder safety tip: Keep your belt buckle between the rails.

Today’s Tip: Roof Jargon

A house roof that looks like an old fashioned barn is a “gambrel” roof.

Today’s Tip: Lightening Types

There are three kinds of lighting: task, ambient, and accent.