Theresa’s blog

I want a space that’s quiet, clean, and relaxing. A place where I can sit with a few friends and chat. We drink coffee or wine, depending on the time of day, and we don’t spend any time doing anything for anyone.

Now I’m going to start geeking out on finishes and what’s trending in outdoor lighting.

I shared some of the reasons for taller LED landscape lighting and a few choice picks I’ve seen at in my latest blog for them.

Rain boots can be playful or serious, but when I’m looking for favorite rain boots, I’m not thinking about rain. Rain changes my footwear. I…

If you approach a bathroom like a laboratory, a place where we become clean and neat, you’ll forget about mood lighting, atmosphere, and creating intimate spaces. That’s why lighting is an essential element for the perfect bromance. Lights must dim for a bromance to bloom.

Tool porn is really just a way of saying we’re fantasizing about tools and amazing workshops. If you work with tools, you know about tool…

Joybird offers a different kind of shopping experience. And while shopping, the design and layout are easy to use, but the special part is what happens after the order is placed. I received a note saying they received my order, which is a typical note. But then they sent updates on the sofa as it was being constructed. They sent a swatch so I could see and touch the fabric. And they sent a handwritten note, signed by some of the Joybird family, welcoming my family to their family.

Taking on the frequently used key phrases and themes of a lot of the HGTV shows, the writers and actors in these paradies are spot-on fun.