fun videos

There's nothing like watching someone else do a project to get you started on the right path.

Need to update your shed? Here’s how to update a shed with a ramp and some gardening features in a weekend. 

An old paint brush has a lot more uses than just slathering on paint. I use them all the time on remodeling and renovation projects….

Simple tape measure trick – How to measure the short point of an angle
2016_MyFixitUpLife_Mark_Door Trim_Basement Renovation_Measuring cut_Miter Saw

Carpenters have lots of tricks: One of my favorites is how to measure hard-to-measure things, as shown in this video. Good for DIY too, this…

Lots of people make the same mistakes—me included—finishing drywall. Typically, we: – Use too much joint compound. Joint compound (sometimes called ‘spackle’ or ‘mud’ in…

For workshops, I always choose affordable and easy-to-manage tools. The tools I shared with the team at FYI Philly are my favorite go-to tools for most projects. They also are easy to carry, set-up, and store away.

How hard can it be to add three pieces of wood to a door jamb? Um…Check this video to see how I trim a door…

Home improvement is a big enough challenge without having tools that don’t work like they’re supposed to. My shop vacuum head was one such tool….

We are lucky and blessed to have an amazingly fun time at work talking with home improvement stars from HGTV, PBS, DIY Network, Ellen, Fox…

Wood wainscoting is one of my favorite interior finishes. It’s fun, clean, and all carpentry. And it looks sensational. In this video I run through…

How to paint a pumpkin teal to help trick-or-treaters with food allergies

So what do you need to paint a pumpkin? After deciding on the color and whether you want to add embellishments like glitter or spikes or stripes, it’s about having all of the tools on hand when you get started.