fun videos

There's nothing like watching someone else do a project to get you started on the right path.

Thanks for checking out our how to videos. We hope they help with your DIY, home improvement and around-the-house fixes. This one—how to fix a…

VIDEO: Home improvement storage & DIY for about 20-bucks | Make a shelf
2016_MyFixitUpLife_Mark_Door Trim_Basement Renovation_Measuring cut_Miter Saw

When I need some quick, attractive, and inexpensive organization or storage for my home improvement gear and supplies and flotsam AND jetsam, I make a…

As a carpenter, one of the home improvement skills I’ve had to rely on for so many jobs—decks, fences, mailboxes and more—is the seemingly simple…

VIDEO: Spax HCR-X screws don’t make home improvement projects easy, but they do make them easi-ER. In this sculpture garden of DIY and weekend projects…

I share some time- and job site-tested tips on how to trim a door. In this video we run through some tools, tips, and materials…

Make art from a cabinet with Habitat’s Women Build in Philly? Yes, please.
2016_MyFixitUpLife_Habitat for Humanity_Philadelphia_Women Build_DIY Workshop_project design

Make art from a cabinet with Habitat’s Women Build in Philly? Yes, please.

In just an afternoon, here’s how to make a tiki torch with a pair of skis. Mark and I were challenged by our friends at…

If bathroom remodeling is on your home improvement checklist, then you should become friendly with in-wall blocking as something that’ll make life easier. Tip: One…

Home improvement: Three tips to insulate a basement quickly, safely, and more easily. Insulation isn’t just about staying warm, it’s about fire and building code,…

The better the framing is, the easier and better the trim and drywall and door openings and everything else after it can be. Here’s how to remodel a basement.