fun videos

There's nothing like watching someone else do a project to get you started on the right path.
Simple kitchen decor ideas—and how not to screw them up

Simple kitchen decor ideas only look good, well, if they look good. Stuff that looks terrible isn’t really decor. At least in the traditional sense….

A furnace filter is kind of like the oil in your car. Unless you have a schedule to replace it—you know, the little window sticker…

This doghouse is is extra-tricked-out and fit for a canine king with Glidden Team Colors paint in New England Patriots colors. Our friends just adopted…

We don’t just say we love our Hyde Tools 17-in-1 multi-tool, we mean it. I know this sounds like marketing bull… but it’s the truth….

A clogged garbage disposal always seems to happen right before a party. The good news is that you might be able to fix it yourself….

If you fear selecting the ‘wrong’ color, we’ve got a few tips to get you started in this home makeover. I love color. Just like…