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Compost Stew: Lexi’s book review

Today I am reviewing a book about compost called Compost Stew. It’s a book that is the alphabet and teaches children about compost.

Compost Stew

There are so many ways this book is unique. One way is that the illustrator Kelsey Wolff used recycled material to make the pictures.

One thing I noticed is that the girl’s dress is always made of food. Another thing I liked was that the cookbook for frozen lemon pie actually had the recipe that you could read! Yum.

I also liked that if something had texture you could see it. For instance, the cauliflower that’s supposed to be a puffball on her hat, you can see the texture. I noticed that if something was a full thing it was a cut-out of a picture. The birds and squirrels were like that.

I also noticed that the Dalmatian’s name is Organic because that’s what his collar says. Lastly, I noticed that the duck or the dog always has something in its mouth.

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