Cordless Reciprocating Saws Tested

We revved up 5 cordless recip saws and found something for everyone—from power performers to stripped-down versions for beginners. By Mark Clement | Photos by Andrew Bydlon & MyFixItUpLife

In the grip of a strong-handed professional, a reciprocating saw is mainly associated with one thing: demolition. But in the hands of a strong-minded pro, one who knows that old houses are most effectively worked on by picking them apart, not bashing them to pieces, a recip saw can be a surgical instrument. Used to cut nails between studs, remove rotted window frames, or plunge into that unfortunate 1980s countertop in your 1880s farmhouse, they can help reveal the treasure buried beneath.

Click below to see more by Mark on OldHouseOnline. 

Cordless Reciprocating Saws

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Mark & Theresa created this honest and personal guide about home improvement to share the tips, techniques, and trends that help you make smart decisions about updating and personalizing your home.

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