DIY Kids: Sidewalk Chalk Makes Alphabet Learning Way More Fun

Alphabet learning can be fun. Just taking the letters outside with sidewalk chalk can make the experience more energetic, engaging, and fun for everyone involved. Here’s what happened when Jack and Lexi took to the sidewalk and had a letter dispute.

My big sister Lexi is fun.

She’s 11 years old, and mostly cool.

Art projects

One of the best non-lame things about her is that she likes art projects.

It’s OK that some of her projects are about dresses and Barbies and stuff—please note: NON-truck projects are kinda lame. But it’s extra fun when her creativity combines with stuff that’s actually interesting and that I’m good at, like running and trucks and letters and numbers.

Sidewalk chalk art projects

One time when we were outside playing she got some sidewalk chalk and decorated the squares on our blue-stone walkway. She decorated every square and rectangle with different kinds of letters. I can read them but I don’t know how to write all of them yet—block, cursive, and other fancy designs.

DIY Kids: Little Brother Jack tries to convince Big Sister Lexi that her block letter A is really a V.

Editing the ‘alphabet learning’ art project

I had to edit her work, of course.

I did it with my feet by running and hopping on each letter and playing a game that I made up.

And I only found one mistake: The big block letter A at the beginning was clearly a V. She kept saying it was an A, but I’ve seen Sesame Street’s Alphabet Jungle enough to know that Elmo and his team would not agree with her. And I got to agree with the experts, too.

So I ran and hopped all the way down to Z, then booked it back to where A should have been and told her it was a V. She kept trying to tell me it was an A. No dice.

Art project grade

I give her a 99% on her awesome sidewalk alpha-art project, and 100% on loving me with her art.

Next time, we should do numbers.


Jack is an All American Racewalker, high school student, carpentologist-in-training, MyFixitUpLife video creator and editor, and karate black belt and teaching assistant. He is currently involved in a competitive "pun war" with his carpentologist dad Mark. There is no sign that the pun war will ever end.
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