FixitUpFind: Crescent Oddjob

Crescent Oddjob: Junk Drawer Neatener.
Crescent Oddjob: Junk Drawer Neatener.
Crescent Oddjob: Junk Drawer Neatener.


For junk-drawer-phobics like me, Crescent’s Oddjob not only promises to neaten things up drawer-wise, but looks like a real can-do go-to for all kinds of household tasks.

The T-shaped Crecent Oddjob combines a steel-faced hammer on one side (for hammering nails) and a soft-face mallet on the other (for knocking together knock-down furniture) and a multi-bit, ratcheting screwdriver (7 driver tips store on-board the tool.) There’s even a utility knife in the handle. Fix that door, install that smoke detector, hang those curtains, open that stubborn package, assemble IKEA-style furniture faster. All told, eleven tools in one.

It even has an included articulating driver shaft for setting screws where typical screwdrivers usually can’t reach. Work it.

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