‣ MyFixitUpLife
Its tipping over What is this plant

Hi, I’m Lexi!

Today the topic is flowers.

The first one we’re going to talk about is one that we don’t know the name of (if you do, please let us know at info@MyFixitUpLife.com). It has so many buds that it is tipping.

However, it doesn’t look like they’re going to bloom this year. We’re looking forward to seeing what happens next year.

Next is gladiolas. Their flowers are orange. After they bloom, they fall off the stem very quickly. I helped prune them this summer.

‣ MyFixitUpLife
Cardinales flowers Daddy planted by our backyard fence

Last is cardinales. These look like they have dresses on.

Here’s a tip: if you want your plants to grow big—like these—it is a good idea to weed the beds so there are only flower plants in there.

Well, that’s all. Good-bye everyone.

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