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How would you make home better for a loved one diagnosed with Alzheimer’s?

Theresa MyFixitUpLife DesignAllz Alzheimer's

Join us to talk kitchen and bath design for Alzheimer’s with #KBTribechat on August 19 at 2pmET.


I’ve posted a few blogs about designing for Alzheimer’s and my new design passion to help make home happier for families dealing with Alzheimer’s.

On Wednesday, August 19, 2015 at 2pmET I’ll be co-hosting #KBtribechat with Karen to share and discuss ideas for Designing for Alzheimer’s in the kitchen and bath. If you have been recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, have a family member with Alzheimer’s, are a care giver, design professional, or anyone interested in learning more about how our environment can help make life a little bit easier as we age, this Twitter chat is designed for you.

Our KBtribechat questions

1). Do you know someone who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s?

2). What do you see as the top 3 design challenges for creating an environment for alzheimer’s patients and caregivers?

3). What are some design solutions that you have done (or seen)?

4). What products would you specify to make a safer or more comfortable environment?

5). Do you have any photos of projects that you have done, or of spaces you think have good design solutions?


About DesignAllz

We are on a mission for designing for Alzheimer’s. It’s more than just creating a safer place to live. We are sharing easy design ideas and tips to create a happier and calmer home for families living with Alzheimer’s and dementia. We’d love to hear your story of Alzheimer’s. Subscribe to our DesignAllz YouTube channel, connect on Facebook or Twitter, or send a note at

Theresa is Designing for Alzheimer’s at DesignAllz.
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