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How do we train for Design Construction Week in Vegas?

If you’ve never been to Design Construction Week, the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show or the International Builders Show, keep reading. You’ll thank us later.

So, how do you get ready for DCW/KBIS/IBS?

Yes, the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show is big. Yes, the International Builders’ Show is big. And yes, when they got married last year, they created the giant Design Construction Week baby that we’re all psyched to attend.

Yes, you need comfortable shoes.

Yes, you need to know that there will be more than 100,000 people on the same schedule.

But what does all of this really mean?

The cab lines are silly long. The food lines are silly long. The walk between booths are silly long.

The first time I attended the Builders’ Show, I was told to wear comfortable shoes and bring hand sanitizer. Most novices end up with aching feet and a cold by the end of the week. The trade show floor is concrete. Most of us design professionals aren’t used to walking and standing on concrete for 8 hours a day.

You’ll learn quickly to stop in those booths that have the deep padding. It doesn’t exactly matter what they are displaying, the comfort of standing on foamy luxury is enough to get me interested.

Yes, that’s me sitting on the floor eating my lunch. Chairs are tough to come by at the Las Vegas Convention Center. I’m not too proud to sit like a toddler among thousands of business professionals.

For the first decade of attending this massive trade show, I always brought flats in my purse. I’d change the heel height, back-and-forth, throughout the day. It helps keep your feet, calves, and back from aching. And it offers a bit of novelty to a very intense day.

Food is expensive. Water is expensive. The food lines are long, loud, and sometimes confusing. Bring some ‘purse’ snacks. Healthy treats can be the difference between completely bonking and having an amazing day.

So get our there and start training for Design Construction Week in Vegas. We’re having some fun getting ready.

If you have tips to share about getting ready for Design Construction Week, please share them below in the comments.

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