How to touch up a painted wall

How to Touch up a Painted Wall


It’s easy to touch up a painted wall with a few simple steps.

How to Touch up a Painted WallFrom kids and crayons to greasy hands, painted walls need touching up. And with a few supplies, making it look new is an easy fix.

The first thing you need to touch up a painted wall is the paint, so if you’ve kept the paint or know the name of the paint, you are one step ahead.

If you don’t have either, most paint companies have apps that will help you color match to the paint names at their store.

After you have the paint, lay something out on the floor beneath your paint, just in case of spills.

Shake the paint vigorously before opening the can.

Dip your brush and strike it a few times to charge it with paint.

Then coat the area and let dry. Apply a second coat as needed.

One last step: Seal the paint can and mark it with the room, so your next paint touch-up project is even easier.

To find out more about this and other projects–or to connect with a contractor–check out the cost guide at

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Mark & Theresa created this honest and personal guide about home improvement to share the tips, techniques, and trends that help you make smart decisions about updating and personalizing your home.

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