Indoor Air Quality Worse Than Outdoor, Free Bit Holder

furnace filter

Pollution can be much worse indoors than outside, but there’s ways to tackle indoor air quality. Plus, Crescent Tools is giving away its bit holder, and find out the top DIY projects searched during March on today’s News Fix.

Tool News

Crescent Tools is giving away its new Vortex Bit Holder to US and Canadian residents while supplies last. The company says that the S2 steel holder with magnetic tip makes bits last 500 times longer.

To get yours, head over to

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Did You Know?

We inhale 31 pounds of air every day. And we spend 90 percent of our time indoors where there is 2 to 5 times more pollution than outdoors, so it’s important to keep tabs on what the Department of Energy’s says are the 5 main indoor air contaminants–moisture, chemicals, biological sources, combustion gas, and radon. 

furnace filter indoor air quality
Changing a furnace filter is easy and should be done regularly

So how do we maintain healthy indoor air quality at home? Experts say to use air purification technology, humidity control, better ventilation, and HEPA filtration.

Top DIY Search

The top DIY search in March is pavers, followed by pool heater and screened porch. Sounds like DIYers are getting ready for some fun spring parties. And we’re ready for that invite.

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Mark & Theresa created this honest and personal guide about home improvement to share the tips, techniques, and trends that help you make smart decisions about updating and personalizing your home.

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