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Jack’s blog: Clement and Dad Landscaping

My dad spends a lot of time during summer weekends walking back-and-forth in our yard.

It’s like he’s lost, but he seems to always remember that it’s our house. Or maybe he’s just playing with dad toys like I do with my trucks, because I think he’s always got a lawnmower with him. It’s noisy and I don’t like loud stuff, so I just watch from inside the window. The mower has wheels and I like to watch pretty much everything with wheels. Wheels are what makes the world do stuff, and get stuff done.

I know he’s doing something to the grass with that mower, but I’ve been thinking that all of that time could be used more wisely. I mean with more practical things like taking me to the toy store or throwing rocks.

That’s one of the reasons why I was happy to see the big driving mower in our yard after school. But that’s not the best reason. It’s cause it’s cool. It’s red and it has big wheels. There’s a seat for just one guy, like me or my dad. And it looks like it could do some cool racing. But I haven’t seen it race at all. Maybe this Saturday.

I let my dad use it, of course, because it’s cool to look at, but it’s kinda noisy and I don’t know where to find the key. It’s like my dad puts it somewhere that’s hard for us guys to find. So, I just stick with my mower. It’s pretty sweet. And it has ball-popping action right in the top part. My dad’s mower definitely doesn’t have that feature, at all.

I mainly just focus on mowing hard surfaces these days, like the sidewalk and driveway, and let my dad take care of walking around the softer surfaces. He’s old. And I can take the tougher parts more easier.

We like to just go back-and-forth a lot, around a house, of course. Like when we went to do some mower-testing. We loaded up our mowers on the trailer, then hauled ’em on over to my friend’s house. She’s got more grass around her house so it kept my dad busy, which is cool because I don’t let my work get in the way of my social life. Friends are important. That’s what I always think. Even when they don’t share the way I want.

So it’s a time-saver, working with my dad. I mean if he gets his moving back-and-forth in the grass done faster, there’s more time for what really matters on a Saturday. And that’s playing toys and throwing rocks.

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