Every junior carpenter needs a sturdy toolbox for his or her ‘working things.’ This easy-to-assemble toolbox project is perfect for toting toys and favorite tools.![Kid's toolbox - Kid's Carpenter's Notebook - MyFixitUpLife ‣ MyFixitUpLife Kid's toolbox - Kid's Carpenter's Notebook - MyFixitUpLife]()
What you’ll need for this project:
Tools & Equipment
- Miter box / circular saw / miter saw
- Measuring tape
- Hammer / egg beater drill / screwdriver / drill
- Countersink
- 1 piece 1x4x8 pin
- 1 5/8” drywall screws or 6d finish nails
Step 1. Cut pieces to length.
- Front and back: Cut two boards to 7 ½” x2”.
- Bottom: Cut one piece 7 ½” x 3 ½”
- Handle: Rip (cut along the length of the board) a piece ¾” wide and cross cut the piece 7 ½” long.
- Sides: Cut two boards to 3 ½” and 9”.
Step 2. Assemble to pieces.
- On a flat surface, fasten the bottom panel to the front and back panels.
- Fasten the side panels to the bottom panel and front/back panels.
- Fasten the handle to each side.
- Paint with chalkboard paint or decorate with your favorite colors and stickers.
Parent’s Carpentry Corner.
Make angled sides.
- On one of the side pieces, mark 2 3/4” up from one end, then square across. This is where the side pieces will being to taper.
- On the opposite end of the side piece, mark the center of the board.
- Draw a line to connect the 2 ¾” line to the top centerline of the side piece.
- Clamp the two side pieces together. Make sure they are flush.
- Trim the angle with a circular saw.
- Trim the sharp tip created where the angles meet.