Kid’s Toolbox: Great for toting toys and tools

Kid's toolbox - Kid's Carpenter's Notebook - MyFixitUpLife

Every junior carpenter needs a sturdy toolbox for his or her ‘working things.’ This easy-to-assemble toolbox project is perfect for toting toys and favorite tools.Kid's toolbox - Kid's Carpenter's Notebook - MyFixitUpLife

What you’ll need for this project:

Tools & Equipment

  • Miter box / circular saw / miter saw
  • Measuring tape
  • Hammer / egg beater drill / screwdriver / drill
  • Countersink


  • 1 piece 1x4x8 pin
  • 1 5/8” drywall screws or 6d finish nails


Step 1. Cut pieces to length.

  1. Front and back: Cut two boards to 7 ½” x2”.
  2. Bottom: Cut one piece 7 ½” x 3 ½”
  3. Handle: Rip (cut along the length of the board) a piece ¾” wide and cross cut the piece 7 ½” long.
  4. Sides: Cut two boards to 3 ½” and 9”.


Step 2. Assemble to pieces.

  1. On a flat surface, fasten the bottom panel to the front and back panels.
  2. Fasten the side panels to the bottom panel and front/back panels.
  3. Fasten the handle to each side.
  4. Paint with chalkboard paint or decorate with your favorite colors and stickers.
Kid's toolbox - Kid's Carpenter's Notebook - MyFixitUpLife
Step 1 Cut pieces to length
Kid's toolbox - Kid's Carpenter's Notebook - MyFixitUpLife
Step 2 Assemble the pieces

Parent’s Carpentry Corner.

Make angled sides.

  1. On one of the side pieces, mark 2 3/4” up from one end, then square across. This is where the side pieces will being to taper.
  2. On the opposite end of the side piece, mark the center of the board.
  3. Draw a line to connect the 2 ¾” line to the top centerline of the side piece.
  4. Clamp the two side pieces together. Make sure they are flush.
  5. Trim the angle with a circular saw.
  6. Trim the sharp tip created where the angles meet.
Kid's toolbox - Kid's Carpenter's Notebook - MyFixitUpLife
How to make angled sides on your toolbox

toolbox - Kid's carpenter's notebook - MyFixitUpLife

For more projects similar to this toolbox, click here.

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A licensed contractor, tool expert, wood and outdoor enthusiast, and elite Spartan Race competitor, he writes about home improvement and tools for national magazines and websites, and teaches hands-on clinics for other remodeling professionals. Check out his book, The Carpenter's Notebook.

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