Learning how to race walk, and overcoming set-backs

Race walking: This is the peak of my first 11 years on earth.

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It was 5:30 pm. The first day of track coming near as the seconds ticked by, and the time came right when we arrived.

When I got there, what I witnessed was a red track with six lanes, bleachers, a high school, and a shed. The coaches there were all volunteers. After the first practice, I learned to wear the proper shoes and eat properly (before practice I had eaten two whole tons of candy).

Before long, I was enjoying it because it felt good. Two months passed, and I missed two whole weeks; when I cam back, it started to go downhill from there.. I started not really enjoying it because I was competitive–a little too competitive because I was jealous of other people’s speed. I felt discouraged because of that. That disastrous phase continued until the beginning of the summer season.

“Maybe you should try race walking,” my mom suggested.

“Let’s do it,” I replied.

Right then and there, me and my mom started putting the right pieces in the puzzle. I tried it and it paid off. Right away I wasn’t too bad at all. I even offered to do a race. I practiced with a teaspoon of friends. Their names were Shiina, Joseph, and Jacey.

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When the race came ’round, I finished with a time of 10:25.79. This took place at Weidner University where there were more lanes and stands; the track was also blue.

When the next race happened, I got disqualified for interference. I had lost my temper. It was a bad call; a fan said to move around the other race walker. This took place in New Jersey where there were the same number of lanes, but there were more stands.

There was a bright side. I had a second chance to prosper. I made it happen barely. It was hard work. I finished with a time of something like 11:30. I had finished third at the International Youth Track & Field Championships and got a beautiful bronze medal.

“Woo-hoo!” me and my dad shouted, together.

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At this track there was a football field, lots of stand, 9 lanes, and my proud father. This was a mountain peak. I had one event left, which isn’t worth talking about. The only thing to say is I got first place in that race.

To conclude, this is the peak of my first 11 years on earth: track ‘n field. There were tons of amazing citizens that came to see me race. So far, I have won three medals. I know I will win more of them for many years to come.

Jack and his race walking team.
Jack and his race walking team
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Jack is an All American Racewalker, high school student, carpentologist-in-training, MyFixitUpLife video creator and editor, and karate black belt and teaching assistant. He is currently involved in a competitive "pun war" with his carpentologist dad Mark. There is no sign that the pun war will ever end.

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