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Lexi’s blog: Lego Messages

Happy Birthday to Mark! (Lexi's Lego-Style)


I’m Lexi! Today we are going to talk about how I made Happy B-day out of Legos for my cousin Mark.

First, I made the outline of each letter.

Second, I put Legos on so the top looks even.

Third, I put it in the formation of happy b-day.

I made this for Mark because he really likes Legos. I think that a homemade gift is better because it shows more personality of the person getting the gift.

Some tips for this and other things that involve Legos. If you have two or more boxes of Legos, pick the biggest box and put all the Legos in there. Second, if you’re making letters I suggest you not make the letters a, c, g, h, j, k, m, n, o, r, s.

I love making Lego words. It makes boys and girls happy.

Got to go.


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