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Lexi’s blog: My flower diary

10yo Lexi waters plants with her brother Jack

This fall I planted tulips. I am writing to give you tips on what I learned.

I learned many things when I planted flowers. And some of them are just like life.

One of them was that planting takes a longer time than you think. In life if you needed to choreograph a dance, you need to think of moves that go with the song. For example, if you needed to make a dance to Jack and Jill, three cartwheels wouldn’t go to the beat of that song, so you’ll have to find another move that goes with the beat.

Another thing I learned is that you have to listen to who is teaching you. Because if you don’t, you could do it the wrong way, and you have to start all over again. In life, if you are learning to count money and have to count out $1.25, if you don’t listen to the teacher you won’t know how much 25 cents is.

One of the other things I learned is that you have to read the directions or else you won’t know how much space in-between each flower. For the tulips they had to be 6 inches apart. In life, if you are making a toy that you needed to put together you need to read the directions or else you won’t know if you need a hammer or screwdriver.

I hope you like my blog and think it is useful.

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