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Mark’s blog: 8 Miles of Spare Time

In a turn of twisted irony, my won’t-take-a-nap (but ineffably lovable) little boy has managed to get me in shape.

‘Huh?’ you ask.

Junior dozes in the Baby Jogger while I run. We call a “5 mile nap,” “6 mile slumber,” you get the idea. (By the way, that Baby Jogger is a serious machine. I can, no kidding, run full-blast-bookin’-it with him safely stowed in there. Check the site later on for a “tool” review.)

Short story long, I haven’t been sleeping as much as I’d like but I have been running more than I thought possible at this stage of parenthood. And, low and behold, I find myself in shape enough to tackle a race in one of my favorite places here in the old home hamlet: the Wissahickon Watershed.

Jack napping in the jog stroller

I take most of my runs through their green ribbon trail network (including a primo-riffic course over my friend Bob King’s Ambler Foot Bridge—nice hustle Bob) and the race is 8 miles of trail running, stream crossing and (I hope) some muddy fun.

I won’t be pushing my big boy, so who knows how fast I go. Unless I take the down time to grab a nap!

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