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My favorite babysitter

Tara and Jack

I like my Mommy and Daddy. Grandmas are especially very cool. My Sassy (Lexi) is awesome at times, as well. Except for when she gibber-jabbers like a girl about clothes and Barbies and stuff. Not cool.

But I get to visit my favorite babysitter at college every week while Mommy and Daddy talk in a small room to one guy. They say they are putting on a show, but I don’t see Moose A Moose anywhere around and seriously, only one guy is even there. And he is playing with light-up buttons and making calls. But I don’t say anything, so I don’t hurt their feelings. But, really. Somebody really should say something.

So while they talk in a box, I get to play with my favorite babysitter Tara. She’s awesome. She takes me to the park. She counts with me. She even knows how to watch trucks go by. Not every girl can do that right, you know. Most girls just start talking about stuff that slows me down.

And when she comes to my house, I always take her to my favorite bench to watch cars and trucks. Sometimes we run there. And I always hold her hand to cross the street, so she stays safe. I care about her, you know.

I think I’ll keep her as my babysitter forever. She’s pretty cool. I think Mommy and Daddy should make her a room in our house when she’s done with college. Then we can go to our special bench in town every day. Now that would be the awesomest.

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