FixitUp Find: Troy-Bilt Pony Tractor

Troy bilt pony tractor

Troy-Bilt’s most popular, best selling lawn tractor is the Pony Lawn Tractr.

This ride-in-style tractor has seven, no-clutch speeds to muscle through all kinds of lawn terrain at the speed you choose. The 42-inch-wide deck has been re-designed for more efficient mulching and side-discharge, enabling the Pony to create a finer mulch—which is mulch better for the lawn—and the wider discharge chute minimizes grass clumping up to 60%. Add to that an 18 inch turn radius to get you in an out of the yards nooks and its crannies plus a 2 year warranty and you’re off to the proverbial races.

If you see a lawn tractor and your mind races towards all the other things you can do with it, well, let’s start a club. The Pony is configured to accept Troy-Bilt’s FastAttach accesories that include a rear bagger and sun-shade among other items. But if that’s not rich enough for your 4-season tractoring blood, then scope out the bumper, snow thrower, and tire chains. For moving material—you might just lose your wheelbarrow—because it is configured to tow a trailer. While the tractor doesn’t accept ground-engaging accessories like tillers or box scrapers its 17.5 hp engine can pull aerators, lawn-rollers, broadcast spreaders and so on (or “sow on” for those in the pun business…sorry…) like it’s going somewhere. Nice.

Push, pull, mow, tow. It’s all in a season’s—or year’s—work for the Troy-Bilt Pony.

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Troy Bilt Pony Lawn Tractor

Ride On!

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A licensed contractor, tool expert, wood and outdoor enthusiast, and elite Spartan Race competitor, he writes about home improvement and tools for national magazines and websites, and teaches hands-on clinics for other remodeling professionals. Check out his book, The Carpenter's Notebook.

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