News: Affordable Portable SawStop Table Saw, Loud Power Tools

SawStop Mark Table Saw MyFixitUpLife

There’s a more affordable SawStop table saw, and you might be surprised to hear that common power tools are this loud. Find out in today’s Home News: Quick Fix by MyFixitUpLife.

Tool News

SawStop announced the launch of a more affordable and more portable table saw. The 10-inch model is priced at under $1,000 and it will be available in the fall of 2022. 

We’ve tried a SawStop table saw, and the well-known innovative safety feature is extremely sensitive. So much so that it can shut down when cutting pressure treated lumber. SawStop says that the new saw’s reset is quick and easy, which is a welcome feature. 

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Mark reviewing the SawStop as part of a table saw review for BobVilacom

Gear News

Loud tools are a matter of course for DIYers doing home improvement.

However, if you aren’t wearing hearing protection when you’re using power tools, consider this. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) recommends hearing protection for 85+ dBA. 

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Most common home improvement power tools range from about 80 to 120 dBA. Therefore, hearing protection while using tools can be a big help for long-term hearing health. Make sure earplugs or earmuffs fit well to maximize the benefits.

For more about loud power tools, check out this article I just wrote for You may also be surprised at which power tools are the loudest. And I’ll reach for hearing protection more often, too.

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Do you have tool, DIY, design, or real estate news to share? Then, send it to us for consideration in an upcoming Home News: Quick Fix by MyFixitUpLife.

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Mark & Theresa created this honest and personal guide about home improvement to share the tips, techniques, and trends that help you make smart decisions about updating and personalizing your home.

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